#-(and) " P32 (**) Determine the greatest common divisor of two positive integer numbers. Use Euclid's algorithm. Example: * (gcd 36 63) 9 " ;; Smartass solution using Common Lisp: (defun my-gcd (p q) (gcd p q)) ;; Euclide's algorithm: (defun my-gcd (p q) (cond ((= p q) p) ((< p q) (my-gcd p (- q p))) (t (my-gcd q (- p q))))) ;; (loop ;; :for p :from 1 :below 100 ;; :do (loop :for q :from 1 :below 100 ;; :do (assert (= (my-gcd p q) (gcd p q)) (p q))) ;; :finally (return :success)) ;; --> :SUCCESS